
Developing Inner Strength is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dr. Charles Stanley’s new series of Bible study guides feature insights and wisdom of this beloved pastor and author. Small groups and individuals who want a Bible study that’s spiritually sound and practical will find a wealth of ideas to help them understand and apply the Scriptures to the real world. Each title takes a unique fourfold approach to get the most out of Bible study...

John 15:12–13 The close communion that the Lord desires and is willing to experience with us is something we can count on, even if everyone else abandons us. Jesus knew this to be true in His own life. On the night He was arrested and tried—the trial that ended in His crucifixion—He said to His disciples, “Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone.” Can you hear the pain in that statement? Jesus knew what it was to be lonely.
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